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Online Live Master Classess



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January 25th - January 30th


The Ease-Wave UpDo

Master Class

October 29th 2020

5pm - 8:30pm


November 5th 2020

5pm - 8:30pm

The Ease Natural Hair UpDo Masterclass


November 12th 2020

5pm - 7:30pm

The Ease-Swirl UpDo Masterclass


November 17th 2020

5pm - 8:30pm

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The Ease-Curl-Up UpDO Masterclass


November 19th 2020

5pm - 8:30pm

The Ease-Wave Glam              (Hollywood Waves)


November 17th 2020

5pm - 7:30pm

The Ease-Basket Do UpDo


November 17th 2020

5pm - 8:30pm

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The Ease-Curl-Up UpDO Masterclass


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We are re-branding.
Our website will be
up and running soon!

For all wedding and special events Hair Styling and Makeup Inquires, kindly email us!

We look forward to creating a timeless look for you as you  celebrate your special day!

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